I’ve been blogging for 18 years; Here are a few things I discovered
I started blogging at dejiolowe.com in April 2001, 2 years after blog became a noun and a verb. I didn’t even know it was called blogging; I just wanted to be the cool dude. I mean, companies didn’t even have websites in 2001 abosi abosi a recent graduate?
Since that time, over 100 million Nigerians have been born, 160 million + phone lines have been sold, and banks have reduced from 89 to 21 + Five.
It has been a fun and a fulfilling ride. Done a few tech changes since I went live in April 2001 but dumb me lost all my postings between April 2001 and July 2005. Very sad but I’m probably also grateful as most of what I wrote before they weren’t better than chicken shit.
I learned a few things
- Writing is hard; so hard that I know only psychopaths enjoy doing it. Procrastination and writer’s block are the biggest enemies
- Only a few bloggers will get to super-stardom and nobody really cares about your writing anyway. But if you are driven by passion instead of applause, Hallelujah!
- The traffic doesn’t come unless you are hosting that sex video of Kim Kardashian
- Consistency is key
- If you don’t love blogging, you can still start. Nobody would beat you up if you fail at it.
- My grammar improved significantly over the years. When I look at some of the sloppy writing I did, I cringe so badly my teeth rattle
- I managed to stay out of trouble by focusing on the few things I love to write about
- I finally discovered that I really do enjoy writing even if it’s a difficult thing. Does that make me a psychopath?
What do I love to write about?
Science fiction, personal development, payments, and technology. At one time I posted a few jokes, but they were just too crummy for me.
Greatest Joys
- Someone used my article as a reference for his Masters abroad. It was gratifying
- I get the most traffic for the Nigerian constitution as I have managed to collate all of them
My top 5 favorite articles